Double Impact Academy Lincolnshire

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Double Impact Academy Lincolnshire

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About the Double Impact Academy Lincolnshire:

Our Approach

Stopping using alcohol or drugs is possible for most people with addictions – it is staying stopped that is the real challenge.

Through collaboration with our service users, together we have developed an approach based around the principle of connection – connecting people to their hopes and personal strengths, to an effective support network, and to a range of opportunities and community assets which will move them away from their old life and into a new one – with no turning back.

Experts by Experience

We know that hope is key to recovery from addictions – because we’ve been there. We are proud that over 50% of our staff team are themselves in recovery, many of them ‘graduates’ of our services. Together with our Peer Mentors and Recovery Connectors they are living proof that recovery is possible and, through their example inspire others to believe it’s possible and attainable for them.

Peer Support

Peer support, through our volunteer Peer Mentors and Peer Support groups is a vital part of what is on offer. No-one has to recover alone and our groups provide a safe place to address emotional issues, reduce the risk of relapse and build a new supportive social network.

Education and Recovery

We know that Education and employment help the people we support to achieve freedom from addiction and an independent future, however, many of the people we work with have had a negative experience of education. We reintroduce them to learning and education as a valuable experience in itself, as well as a stepping stone to a different future.

We combine our depth of experience in generating authentic recovery with our educational expertise to create a transformational learning experience which has a huge impact on individuals’ recoveries and outlook. Double Impact holds Direct Claims Status with Certa / Skills & Education Group which means we can offer a quality-assured learning experience for people recovering from addictions, tailored to their needs and resulting in valuable qualifications.

Many progress onto more mainstream education, training, volunteering and employment. Our specialist projects support this pathway to empower people to achieve their potential. However, a firm foundation for individual recovery always comes first and we take care in setting people up to succeed.

Find out more about people’s experiences in Success Stories.

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Double Impact Academy Lincolnshire

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