Recovery College Collective (RECOCO)

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Recovery College Collective (RECOCO)

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About the Recovery College Collective (RECOCO):

Recovery College Collective (RECOCO):


Our aims are to:

  • Provide a peer led, peer delivered education and support service where people can learn from each other’s insights, skills and lived experience.
  • Nurture a community of warriors and survivors towards a sense of belonging and acceptance for who, what and how they are.
  • Enable connection and friendship
  • Provide opportunities that allow students to aspire to be their best selves.
  • Identify and recognise their innate strengths and talents, and their ability to help others.
  • Promote recovery through peer led education and other peer led activities.
  • Provide a focus for peer leadership, peer support and recovery orientated practice.
  • Be directed by people who use (or have used) mental health services.
  • Enable collaboration between mental health service providers and organisations that support these aims.


The Recovery College

1, Carliol Square,
Newcastle upon Tyne,

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Recovery College Collective (RECOCO)

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