How to use GoToMeeting
How to Join an online meeting that uses GoToMeeting:
Firstly, make sure you've downloaded the GoToMeeting installer for your computer from here to:
How to join an online meeting that uses GoToMeeting
Tips on protecting your anonymity and running a safe online 12 Step meeting:
Meetings are an essential part of recovery but please be aware of a few simple steps that you can use to help protect your anonymity and help the online meeting run smoothly:
- Ensure your microphone is on mute whilst not sharing
- Video on/off personal choice but if you aren’t comfortable with people being able to see you then remember to switch off your webcam!
- Edit the profile you use to access the online meeting to ensure your personal anonymity
Useful Reading:
Useful reading materials and links to other online resources:
This website IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH and HAS NO FORMAL LINKS WITH any 12 Step Fellowship including Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, or Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (although we have visitors from all of them). We are simply trying to connect visitors to this site who have complex needs with some useful & healthy support.
If you suffer from mental health problems in recovery, then please check out our meetings directory to find some dual diagnosis-friendly meetings to go to.
If your 12 Step Meeting (AA/CA/NA/DDA) is a safe, friendly, & non-judgmental environment for people who have to take medications as part of their recovery, and would class your meeting as ‘dual diagnosis-friendly’ then you’re welcome to submit your meeting to our directory so that those with complex needs can find the help & support that they need & deserve. If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to contact us…
Resources & Tools
- Dual Diagnosis Resources
- Dual Diagnosis Hub Local
- Carers Resources
- Resources for Professionals
- Mental Health Resources
- Free Psychology Tools
- Useful Tools for Professionals
- UK Recovery Colleges Directory
- WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
- Online Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
- How to Join an Online 12 Step Meeting