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With the right combination of support, dually diagnosed people can and do recover. The Dual Diagnosis Hub aims to help everyone to find the best dual diagnosis support and resources available.

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The Organisatons Who Support Us

Inclusion Logo
Specialist NHS Wellbeing and Change Services

We believe individuals are capable of changing their lives and we enable individuals to makes those changes improving both their physical and mental wellbeing. Our services are robustly governed, evidence-based, inclusive and designed and provided in conjunction with service users. We are committed to providing the best service we cana and advocating for our service users locally and nationally because it we have a moral responsibility to do this.

BAC-IN Recovery Logo
Recovery support service for individuals, families and young adults from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities

BAC-IN, a Nottingham based, specialist drug and alcohol recovery support service for individuals, families and young adults from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.  An award winning, grassroots community service inspired and founded in 2003 by individuals in recovery. We believe support from others who have been through addiction is one of the most effective and therapeutic route to recovery.

Owl XL CIC Logo
Helping Social Entrepreneurs with their Social Imapct

Owl XL CIC support social, environmental and community enterprises in building plans with measurable and deliverable outcomes, that can be monitored and evaluated as embedded processes in your everyday operations.  This provides you with an ability to promote your services or products with professional reassurance and dynamic evidence.

Film Crew 4u - A Proud Supporter of the We Are Complex Network
FIlm Making & Teaching

Film Crew 4u is a community interest company that’s all about supporting peoples mental health and well-being through filmmaking and teaching trade skills. We also make promotional videos, film events and create media content. 

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