Support Us!
Support the Dual Diagnosis Hub and help those who have complex mental health & addiction recovery needs
How You Could Help Us
Get Involved
Join an enthusiastic and passionate team and help to develop our organisation to improve the lives & recovery success of those with complex recovery needs.
Become a Volunteer
We have a variety of voluntary positions available with the Dual Diagnosis Hub if you'd like to help out and gain experience.
Become a VolunteerSupport Us
Addiction or mental health-related organizations, we would greatly appreciate your support in our mission.
Support UsBecome an Ambassador
If you have free time and a sizable social media following, please support us in spreading awareness for dual diagnosis.
Become an AmbassadorBecome a Partner
Work with us to try to help improve the outcomes of individuals with multiple and complex recovery needs.
Become a PartnerBecome a Contributor
Develop content and tools for visitors to the Dual Diagnosis Hub and help us to aid & strengthen individuals' recovery.
Become a ContributorSignpost Our Websites & Peer Support Community
Please sign-post our mental health or addiction-related website/organisation to help raise awareness of our cause. Contact us through the form below or by calling.
Signpost Our SitesBecome a Patron of the Dual Diagnosis Hub CIC
Would you like to use your name to support our work? Are you a celebrity or influencer who is passionate about addiction or mental health? Then please get involved with our work!
Become a PatronSubmit Your Organisation or Events
Are you an organisation that works with those with mental health problems or addiction issues? Want us to sign-post your organisation? Then get in touch using the form below!
Submit Your Website*1: We are a non-profit organisation and everything we create will always be available to dually diagnosed people for free, forever.
*2: Then get in touch with us using the form below to arrange access for your clients.
Benefits of Volunteering for the:
Dual Diagnosis Hub CIC
Make a Difference
You will be having a positive impact on the lives of individuals with a dual diagnosis.
Networking Opportunities
Volunteering provides an opportunity to meet professionals working in the dual diagnosis field.
Reference Letter
Volunteering can be useful if you want to go on to work in careers in related fields.
Skill Development:
We can offer roles that allow volunteers to develop new skills or enhance existing ones if you're looking for personal or professional growth.
Flexible Volunteering Hours:
Volunteering for us enables you to choose your working hours based on your availability, work, or recovery commitments.
Building Your CV/Resume:
Volunteering can enhance your CV with demonstrated commitment, community service, and practical experience.
Resources & Tools
- Dual Diagnosis Resources
- Dual Diagnosis Hub Local
- Carers Resources
- Resources for Professionals
- Mental Health Resources
- Free Psychology Tools
- Useful Tools for Professionals
- UK Recovery Colleges Directory
- WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
- Online Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
- How to Join an Online 12 Step Meeting