Support Us
Support the Dual Diagnosis Hub and help us to reach & help more people who have co-occurring mental health & addiction issues.
"How can I support the Dual Diagnosis Hub?"
Here's what the Dual Diagnosis Hub needs help with:
Online Research
We need people to research subjects that relate to dual diagnosis, mental health, or specifically related to co-occurring mental health & addiction issues. This research will help us to create new content for the Dual Diagnosis Hub websites.
Link to our site & signpost our organisation to your clients
It's not usually too complicated a process to add a link from your site to ours. It's important though as it helps increase our reach and makes us more visible to people with co-occurring mental health & addiction issues. If you work in an organisation that specialises in mental health, addiction or dual diagnosis, then please tell your clients and their family members about us.
Got an idea for a tool or content that isn't in our directories? Use the 'Suggest Content' Form Below
If you've looked around our website and you've noticed something that we've not got on here or have not included then please contact us and submit a feature request! We will do our best to get on and develop the tool, so that visitors to our site can benefit from using it.
Do you know of any resource that you or your client's find useful?
Our site was developed to enable its users to submit any type of resource you could think of to our directories. Whether it be a mental health organisation or resource, a psychology tool, a useful book, or even an academic article that you've written; we would love you to share it with our site's visitors by registering with this site and submitting your resource to the most relevant directory. Learn how to register and submit a resource here.
Share this site with your colleagues or on social media
We need people to share this website with as many people as possible! If you work in addiction or mental health, then please tell people about our site and organisation - it makes all the difference to us as we can't help those that we can't reach!
Become a Patron of the Dual Diagnosis Hub
If you'd like to help us to fund the development of this site, its tools, and resources, then please become a Patron of the Dual Diagnosis Hub. You can do this by visiting our Patreon page and choosing the Patreon Tier that suits you or your organisation. Any donations, however small, help pay for the ongoing costs of running this site and developing new tools & content. We have a lot of ideas, but none of these are free to develop - any contribution would be appreciated!
Resources & Tools
- Dual Diagnosis Resources
- Dual Diagnosis Hub Local
- Carers Resources
- Resources for Professionals
- Mental Health Resources
- Free Psychology Tools
- Useful Tools for Professionals
- UK Recovery Colleges Directory
- WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
- Online Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
- How to Join an Online 12 Step Meeting