Aashna - BAME Counsellors Database
Aashna - BAME Counsellors Database:
Respecting the therapist and the client for their individuality. Our aim is for Aashna to reflect the rich cultural and global society in which we live in. Inclusive of all, excluding none.
We set up Aashna because we recognise the struggle diverse groups face in finding therapy that meets their needs, as well as the challenge practitioners from diverse backgrounds, face in trying to reach and support their communities. Aashna is a unique therapeutic space, offering individuals from all backgrounds the opportunity to come together to nurture our voices and support each other to facilitate change.
YouTube Videos:
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All of the content in the DRA section of the site, is copyright protected by DRA World Network Inc., and is not in the public domain.
The DRA Crest logo is Trademark protected by DRA World Network Inc., and is not in the public domain.
Any reprinting or distribution is subject to our Terms of Use and all applicable U.S. and International Copyright and Trademark law.
Resources & Tools
- Dual Diagnosis Resources
- Dual Diagnosis Hub Local
- Carers Resources
- Resources for Professionals
- Mental Health Resources
- Free Psychology Tools
- Useful Tools for Professionals
- UK Recovery Colleges Directory
- WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
- Online Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
- How to Join an Online 12 Step Meeting